Distribution of Bundesliga TV Money in the 2021/22 to 2024/25 seasons


The DFL has announced the distribution of media revenues for the rights period of the 2021/22 to 2024/25 seasons.

According to the DFL, the clubs in the 1. and 2. Bundesliga will collect a total of around EUR 5.4 billion in the 2021/22 to 2014/25 seasons, which will then be distributed to the clubs in accordance with the newly decided key.

2021/22 season: DFL distributes 1.073 billion euros national tv revenue

For the 2021/22 season, the DFL plans to distribute a total of around EUR 1.073 billion to the clubs from national tv revenue in the 1st and 2nd Bundesliga. Around EUR 250 million of this will go to the clubs in the 2. Bundesliga, with the remainder going to the clubs from the 1. Bundesliga.

In the next years, the DFL calculates the following figures:

  • Season 2021/22: 1,073 Billion €
  • Season 2022/23: 1,121 Billion
  • Season 2023/24: 1,165 Billion
  • Season 2024/25: 1,212 Billion

Distribution According to the 4-Pillar Principle: More equal Distribution

The distribution will continue to be based on 4 pillars, but this time they will be named differently and will be made up as follows in 2021/22:

Pillar 1: Equal Distribution 53% = €569 million
Pillar 2: Performance 42% = € 450.7 million
Pillar 3: Young talent 3% = €32.2 million
Pillar 4: Interest 2% = €21.4 million

In 2022/23, the percentage distribution will remain in place; for subsequent years, the following will apply:

Pillar 1: Equal Distribution 50%
Pillar 2: Performance 43 %
Pillar 3: Young Talent 4%
Pillar 4: Interest 3%

In the following to the 4 pillars:

Pillar 1: Equal Distribution

In the largest pillar, 53 percent of all revenues will be distributed equally among the clubs within the leagues in the 2021/22 and 2022/23 seasons, and 50 percent in 2023/24 and 2024/25.

In the 2021/22 season, this means:

  • each club in the 1.Bundesliga is guaranteed to receive 24.7 million euros
  • each club in the 2.Bundesliga is guaranteed to receive 6.9 million euros

Pillar 2: Performance

The “Performance” pillar is divided into 3 different parts:

Performance Part I: Separate 5-year scoring 24.5%

Here, a separate five-year scoring is created for both Bundesliga and 2nd Bundesliga clubs, where the past five seasons are scored (in a ratio of 5:4:3:2:1, starting with the last season played). The revenues of the column, are divided in a ratio of approximately 81:19 percent between the 1. Bundesliga and the 2.Bundesliga.

Performance Part II: Joint 5-year scoring 17%.

A further 17 percent is accounted for by a five-year ranking of all 36 clubs, calculated according to the same weighting as “Performance I” but throughout.

Performance III: Joint 5-year scoring 0.5%.

In the third part, a continuous ten-year valuation of all 36 clubs is created, in which all seasons (starting with the most recently played) are weighted equally.

Pillar 3: Young Talent

This pillar is also divided into different pillars.

Young Talent 1: 2/3

The distribution is proportional to the minutes played in Germany by association-trained U23 players in the respective current season (local player status). All matches including the age-23 season are taken into account (excluding relegation and post-season matches). Foreign players must be registered with a club in the DFB’s area before reaching the age of 15.

The payout is made in two parts (50 percent of the total amount in each case) after the first and second rounds of a season.

Young Talent 2: 1/3

This is about the training of the young players used. The period under consideration starts with the playing time of the 12th year of life, the current season in each case is not included (Already included in Nachwuchs I). Only the current 36 professional clubs and their share of training are taken into account. The proceeds are distributed in proportion to the total training period of all U23 local players used, weighted according to the minutes played in the current season, determined per club. The distribution takes place after the end of a playing season.

Pillar 4: Interest

These revenues are distributed proportionally according to interest in the clubs on the basis of the Allensbach Market and Advertising Media Analysis (AWA). For this purpose, the AWA surveys interest in the clubs of the 1. Bundesliga and the 2. Bundesliga (and the 3rd Bundesliga, in order to be able to take account of promotion to the 2. Bundesliga in the valuation) among the German-speaking population aged 14 and over by means of a representative sample based on around 23,000 respondents.

The corresponding proceeds are distributed after the end of a season.

International Revenues

The above only applies to the distribution of national revenues.

In terms of international revenues, it is expected that around EUR 180 million will be distributed to the clubs in the 1. and 2. Bundesliga in 2021/22 as things stand at present.

Before any distribution is made to the clubs in the Bundesliga, the clubs in the 2. Bundesliga will receive a fixed percentage of the international revenues over the next four years: 4 percent each in 2021/22 and 2022/23, and 3 percent each in 2023/24 and 2024/25.

Only then will the distribution to the Bundesliga clubs be made according to the criteria now explained.

The distribution is based on 3 pillars:

Pillar 1: Equal Distribution 35%.

35 percent is distributed equally to all 18 clubs in the 1. Bundesliga as a base amount.

Pillar 2: 5-year ranking 50%

In pillar 2, a distribution is made on the basis of a five-year ranking according to international performance. The distribution is proportional to the points achieved in this ranking.

Pillar 3: 10-year ranking 15%.

A further 15 percent is distributed for participation in UEFA competitions over the past ten years. Each participation results in one point. The distribution is proportional to the number of points scored. Qualifying matches are not taken into account, so you have to qualify to get into the points.

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